Plan sponsors take on substantial personal risks. As a decision-maker, you are a fiduciary, personally liable for the prudent management of someone else’s money. So, how can you best satisfy your legal obligations as a fiduciary?
- Do you have an investment policy statement?
- Can you document the process you followed in reviewing your investment options?
- Have you properly documented your processes for monitoring your plan investments and co-fiduciaries?
- How did you choose your current provider? Have you documented the process you follow?
- Have you evaluated your plan’s fees and expenses to determine that they are reasonable?
AAF Wealth Management provides fiduciary guidance and investment advisory solutions that are independent and objective, and that consider you and your stakeholder’s mission and goals. We help provide solutions serving plan sponsors with fiduciary responsibility for a variety of retirement plans, including: 401(k), 403(b), Defined Benefit Plans, Money Purchase Pension Plans, and Non-Qualified 409A & 457 plans.
Fiduciary Consulting and Investment Advisory Solutions Include:
- Investment policy statement design and monitoring
- Investment Committee design and monitoring
- Annual comprehensive fiduciary review
- Investment allocation advice, monitoring and reporting
- Plan design consulting
- Development of the plan’s investment line-up, including default investments
- Assistance with ERISA 404(c) compliance requirements
- Enrollment, education and participant communication services
- On-going evaluation of fund performance to ensure that investment plans are meeting investment goals while controlling risks
- Executive benefit and compensation planning
AAF Wealth Management helps provide fiduciary consulting and investment advisory solutions for organizations so they may deliver the best possible benefit to employees with the least amount of risk. We monitor your organization’s portfolio of assets, devise strategies for growth, act as the liaison with investors, as well as recognize and educate to avoid serious risks, including those never before encountered.
AAF Wealth Management is an independent investment advisor providing individualized and objective advice based on the particular needs of your plan.
Our Mission is to provide valuable peace of mind to those who share the awesome responsibility to manage wealth.